CAM Medical Marijuana Study Receives Widespread News Coverage
CAM Director of Neuroscience Dr. Jodi Gilman’s medical marijuana study, which was published in JAMA Network Open, has received news coverage in 43 different outlets, ranging from the Boston Herald to U.S. News. The study found that acquisition of a medical marijuana card increased the incidence and severity of cannabis use disorder (CUD) and resulted in no significant…MORE
Upcoming Science of Addiction Panel

The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School will be hosting a virtual panel discussion, The Science of Addiction, on May 17, 2022 at 12pm. At the panel, CAM Founding Director, Eden Evins, M.D., will discuss addiction neuroscience, prognosis, and treatment. Then, Stephanie Tabashneck, Psy.D., J.D., will lead a discussion on the role…MORE
Three CAM Postdoctoral Fellows Honored With Travel Awards to CPDD

Three CAM postdoctoral fellows – Megan Cooke, Joanna Streck, and Brenden Tervo-Clemmens – are all recipients of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence’s Travel Awards for 2022. CPDD Travel Awards are given to early career investigators to attend the CPDD Annual Scientific Meeting. Congratulations to the winners!
DMH Research Centers of Excellence to Hold 2022 Conference

The MGH Center of Excellence together with the UMASS iSPARC Center of Excellence is excited to announce that the DMH Research Centers of Excellence conference will be held on Monday, May 9th, 2022 from 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM. The theme is In This Together…But Not in the Same Boat: How we are supporting youth, young adults, and families…MORE
CAM Medical Marijuana Study Featured on CNN
On Saturday, March 19, CNN published an article featuring CAM Director of Neuroscience Dr. Jodi Gilman’s medical marijuana study, which found that acquisition of a medical marijuana card increased the incidence and severity of cannabis use disorder (CUD) and resulted in no significant improvement in pain, anxiety, or depressive symptoms. Read the full article at this…MORE
CAM fNIRS Study Featured on Boston Globe’s Front Page
The Boston Globe’s front page on February 5, 2022 featured CAM Founding Director Dr. Eden Evins’s and Director of Neuroscience Dr. Jodi Gilman’s efforts to develop a device to reliably detect marijuana impairment. The device uses functional near-infrared spectroscopy, or fNIRS, to look into the brain using light-based imaging. Because the brain looks different when an individual is…MORE
MGH Psychiatry Academy to Hold Substance Use Disorders Conference in February 2022

MGH Psychiatry Academy will hold a virtual Substance Use Disorders Conference from February 20 – February 23, 2022. The conference will discuss the latest research on a spectrum of substance use disorders and will provide guidance towards enhancing patient care. Sessions will cover topics including neuroscience, developmental perspectives, and recovery-oriented systems of care. To learn…MORE
SAMHSA Extends Methadone Take-Home Flexibility

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced that it will extend methadone take-home flexibilities for one year once the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency expires. This will continue the take-home flexibilities that were instituted in March 2020 to reduce the risk of COVID-19 among patients and health care providers. SAMHSA noted that it is also considering…MORE
Dr. Eden Evins Wins NAMI Scientific Research Award

Dr. Eden Evins, Founding Director of MGH’s Center for Addiction Medicine and Harvard Medical School Professor of Psychiatry, has won the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s Scientific Research Award for her work on smoking cessation and reducing cardiovascular risk in people with serious mental illness. The Award was established in 2013 to recognize the work…MORE
CAM’s Grand Rounds Series Returns for Fall 2021
The Center for Addiction Medicine is excited to announce the return of its Grand Rounds series for Fall 2021, this time in a virtual format! We invite you to join us on Friday, October 8, from 11am-12pm via Zoom, for the first talk of our fall series. We will hear from guest speaker Mark Sullivan, PhD,…MORE