Much of the important research at the Center for Addiction Medicine has been published in journals. To appreciate the full range of work by Center members, please explore the links next to the names below. We’ve also listed some of our important pieces in the Highlights area, organized into the following categories: Marijuana Studies, Tobacco Studies, Alcohol Studies, and Research Methodology.
A. Eden Evins, M.D., M.P.H. | Search
John F. Kelly, Ph.D. | Search
Jodi Gilman, Ph.D. | Search
Randi Schuster, Ph.D. | Search
Cori Cather, Ph.D. | Search
Paola Pedrelli, Ph.D. | Search
Bettina Hoeppner, Ph.D. | Search
Gladys Pachas, M.D. | Search
Melissa Culhane Maravic, Ph.D, M.P.H.| Search
Brandon G. Bergman, Ph.D. | Search
Hasan Onur Keles, PhD. | Search
Corrie L. Vilsaint, Ph.D. | Search
David Eddie, Ph.D. | Search
Some Highlights
Variation in cannabinoid metabolites present in the urine of adults using medical marijuana products in Massachusetts.
Gilman J, Schmitt W, Wheeler G, Schuster RM, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Evins AE.
JAMA Network Open, 2021 Apr 1;4(4)
Altered neural processing to social exclusion in young adult marijuana users
JM Gilman, MT Curran, V Calderon, RM Schuster, AE Evins
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 1 (2), 152-159
Cannabis use is quantitatively associated with nucleus accumbens and amygdala abnormalities in young adult recreational users
JM Gilman, JK Kuster, S Lee, MJ Lee, BW Kim, N Makris, …
The Journal of Neuroscience 34 (16), 5529-5538
Young adult cannabis users report greater propensity for risk-taking only in non-monetary domains
JM Gilman, V Calderon, MT Curran, AE Evins
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 147, 26-31
Does cannabis cause, exacerbate or ameliorate psychiatric disorders? An oversimplified debate discussed
M Haney, AE Evins
Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (2), 393-401
Circumspectives: Does cannabis cause, exacerbate or ameliorate psychiatric disorders? An over-simplified debate discussed.
Haney M and Evins AE.
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016 Jan;41(2):393-401.
Marijuana’s effects on human behavior: Cognition, motivation, and psychosis.
Volkow ND, Swanson J, Evins AE, DeLisi, LE, Meier MM, Gonzalez R, Bloomfield MAP, Curran V, Baler R, Weiss S.
JAMA Psychiatry. 2016 Mar 1;73(3):292-7.
Substance use is dose dependently associated with suicidal thoughts and psychiatric comorbidities.
Tervo-Clemmens B, Bentley K, Smoller JW, Nock M, Evins AE, Gilman JM, Schuster RM.
JAMA Peds. 2024 Jan 29.
Alcohol substitution during one month of cannabis abstinence among non-treatment seeking adolescents and young adults.
Schuster RM, Potter K, Lamberth E, Rychik N, Hareli M, Allen S, Broos HC, Mustoe A, Gilman J, Pachas GN, Evins AE.
Prog Neuropsychopharmacology and Biol Psychiatry.
Effect of medical marijuana card ownership on pain, insomnia, and affective disorder symptoms in adults: a randomized controlled trial.
Gilman JM, Schuster RM, Potter K, Schmitt W, Wheeler G, Pachas GN, Hickey S, Cooke ME, Dechert A, Plummer R, Tervo-Clemmens B, Schoenfeld DA,Evins AE.
JAMA Network Open. 2022 Mar 1;5(3)
The prevalence of cannabis withdrawal and its influence on adolescents’ treatment response and outcomes: A 12-month prospective investigation
CM Greene, JF Kelly
Journal of Addiction Medicine 8 (5), 359-367
Effect of a tobacco cessation intervention incorporating weight management for adults with serious mental illness: A randomized clinical trial.
Daumit GL*, Evins AE*, Cather C, Dalcin AT, Dickerson FB, Miller ER, Appel LJ, Jerome GJ, McCann U, Ford D, Charleston JB, Young DR, Gennusa JV, Goldsholl S, Cook C, Fink T, Wang NY. JAMA Psychiatry. Jun 28:e231691. *Co-first authors
A pragmatic cluster randomized trial of provider education and community health worker support for tobacco cessation.
Evins AE, Cather C, Maravic MC, Reyering S, Pachas GN, Thorndike AN, Levy DE, Fung V, Fischer MA, Schnitzer KC, Pratt S, Deeb B, Potter K, Schoenfeld DA. Psychiatric Services.
2023 Apr 1;74(4):365-373.
Efficacy and tolerability of pharmacotherapeutic smoking cessation aids in those with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A subgroup analysis of EAGLES.
Evins AE, West R, Benowitz N, Russ C, Lawrence D, McRae T, Maravic MC, Heffner J, Anthenelli RM.
Psychiatr Serv. 2021. Jan 1;72(1):7-15.
Addressing Barriers to Provision of First-Line Pharmacotherapy for Tobacco Use Disorder
AE Evins, C Cather
Psychiatric Services
Predictors of smoking abstinence and factors associated with the efficacy of treatments in the EAGLES trial.
West R, Evins AE, Benowitz NL, Russ C, McRae T, Lawrence D, St. Aubin L, Krishen JA, Maravic MC,Anthenelli RM.
Addiction. 2018. 113(8):1507-1516.
Lower gray matter density and functional connectivity in the anterior insula in smokers compared with never smokers
LE Stoeckel, XJ Chai, J Zhang, S Whitfield‐Gabrieli, AE Evins
Addiction Biology 21 (4), 972-981
Brain reactivity to smoking cues prior to smoking cessation predicts ability to maintain tobacco abstinence
AC Janes, DA Pizzagalli, S Richardt, S Chuzi, G Pachas, MA Culhane, …
Biological Psychiatry 67 (8), 722-729
The effects of transdermal nicotine on cognition in nonsmokers with schizophrenia and nonpsychiatric controls
RS Barr, MA Culhane, LE Jubelt, RS Mufti, MA Dyer, AP Weiss, …
Neuropsychopharmacology 33 (3), 480-490
Medical morbidity and mortality in schizophrenia: Guidelines for psychiatrists
DC Goff, C Cather, AE Evins, DC Henderson, O Freudenreich, …
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 66 (2), 183-194
Maintenance treatment with varenicline for smoking cessation in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A randomized clinical trial
AE Evins, C Cather, SA Pratt, GN Pachas, SS Hoeppner, DC Goff, …
JAMA 311 (2), 145-154
Why we like to drink: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the rewarding and anxiolytic effects of alcohol
JM Gilman, VA Ramchandani, MB Davis, JM Bjork, DW Hommer
The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (18), 4583-4591
Subjective and neural responses to intravenous alcohol in young adults with light and heavy drinking patterns
JM Gilman, VA Ramchandani, T Crouss, DW Hommer
Neuropsychopharmacology 37 (2), 467-477
Young adults, social networks, and addiction recovery: Post treatment changes in social ties and their role as a mediator of 12-step participation
JF Kelly, RL Stout, CM Greene, V Slaymaker
PLoS One 9 (6), e100121
Does Alcoholics Anonymous work differently for men and women? A moderated multiple-mediation analysis in a large clinical sample
JF Kelly, BB Hoeppner
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 130 (1), 186-193
Determining the relative importance of the mechanisms of behavior change within Alcoholics Anonymous: A multiple mediator analysis
JF Kelly, B Hoeppner, RL Stout, M Pagano
Addiction 107 (2) 289-299
Detecting treatment‐covariate interactions using permutation methods
R Wang, DA Schoenfeld, B Hoeppner, AE Evins
Statistics in Medicine 34 (12), 2035-2047
The problem of the placebo response in clinical trials for psychiatric disorders: Culprits, possible remedies, and a novel study design approach
M Fava, AE Evins, DJ Dorer, DA Schoenfeld
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72 (3), 115-127
Impulsive social influence increases impulsive choices on a temporal discounting task in young adults
JM Gilman, MT Curran, V Calderon, LE Stoeckel, AE Evins
PLoS One 9 (7), e101570
Single dose of a dopamine agonist impairs reinforcement learning in humans: Behavioral evidence from a laboratory-based measure of reward responsiveness
DA Pizzagalli, AE Evins, EC Schetter, MJ Frank, PE Pajtas, DL Santesso, …
Psychopharmacology 196 (2), 221-232
Optimizing real time fMRI neurofeedback for therapeutic discovery and development
LE Stoeckel, KA Garrison, SS Ghosh, P Wighton, CA Hanlon, JM Gilman, …
NeuroImage: Clinical 5, 245-255
A controlled trial of bupropion added to nicotine patch and behavioral therapy for smoking cessation in adults with unipolar depressive disorders
AE Evins, MA Culhane, JE Alpert, J Pava, BS Liese, A Farabaugh, M Fava
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 28 (6), 660-666
Varenicline for smoking cessation in schizophrenia: Safety and effectiveness in a 12-week open-label trial
GN Pachas, C Cather, SI Pratt, B Hoeppner, J Nino, SV Carlini, …
Journal of Dual Diagnosis 8 (2), 117-125
Opioid antagonists for smoking cessation
SP David, T Lancaster, LF Stead, AE Evins, JJ Prochaska
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 6, CD003086
Does using marijuana increase the risk for developing schizophrenia?
AE Evins, AI Green, JM Kane, RM Murray
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 74 (4), e08
Reassessing the safety of varenicline
AE Evins
The American Journal of Psychiatry, 1385-1387